Sunday, January 1, 2017

Traditional Korean New Year's Breakfast

Made on the spot by an incredibly kind and giving host.

Near the DMZ

Bronze Sculpture Park

Traditional Korean Burial Grounds

Maybe this is where the howling was coming from last night...

On the Roof of our Cargo Container

Quite the view...about ten minutes from the DMZ and border with North Korea.

Our Yellow Tiny Cargo Container

Only the finest for us.

New Year 2017 Morning Views

Midnight Howling

Still have no earthly idea what these beastly howling sounds were that carried on for all too long.  That along with the barking dogs, a door that we could not lock, far too thin walls, and the fact that we were about 10 minutes from the North Korean border made it a somewhat restless New Year's Eve/Night.  Happy 2017!!!