Saturday, December 31, 2016

Joseon-era Hats

The March of Man

Prehistoric Fossil Discovery

Fossil Replicas

No baby elephants were harmed in the taking of these photographs.

Human Migration Routes

How did we get here?

Prehistoric Bathroom Signs

Unique, but somehow appropriate for a prehistoric museum and certainly gets the point across.  Message sent, message received.

Prehistoric Hunter

Quaint little set-up outside the front entrance of the Jeongok Prehistory Museum.

Outside the Museum

Certainly keeping with the old, traditional, even ancient butted up against the ultra-modern aesthetic that could describe a large part of South Korea as a whole.

Prince Albert II was Here

Certainly our visitation memorial tree will be soon to follow the Prince of Monaco.

Giant Hand-axe Statue

We still had not realized the importance and historical significance of the site or museum.

No Parking in Prehistory

Amusing sign that reads, "No Parking.  This is the entrance for Paleolithic people, please park your car in the parking lot."  Witty.

Futuristic Jeongok Prehistory Museum (전곡선사박물관)

To be honest, we arrived having no idea this existed.  Quite a peculiar site set out here amongst the agricultural land and farm houses.

Hantangang (한탄강) Area Map

There is something to see here, right....right??

Bridge Over Hantangang River (한탄강)

Quite an entrance for such an isolated and eerily quiet spot.  Stood comfortably in the middle of the main thoroughfare entering the region without having to worry about any traffic.  Hello...Yeoncheon....anybody home??

Yeoncheon (연천) Tourist Map

Where to first?

A Wooly Mammoth?!?

We had not realized at this early point of our journey that the area is quite famous for the discovery of many pre-historic artifacts including a world-famous hand-ax.  The more you know...

Hantangang Station (한탕강역)

Arriving Near the DMZ

Only Passengers on the DMZ Train

Heading out to a secluded spot near the DMZ to ring in the New Year 2017.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Breakfast in Bed

Cheese-topped meat-filled toast, fried ham slices, and fresh liver with a cup of java.  Living the good life.

Sunday, December 25, 2016